If you live in Canada it is impossible to legally watch many TV shows online. The only major station that offers a decent broadband network is CTV.
If you watch TV shows online, but don't watch them on a network website or a site like Hulu, you are contributing to the demise of television. OK, so I may be exaggerating, but I do have a point to make.
TV shows air to sell ads. Ads pay for the networks. Networks pay the studios for the shows. Studios pay actors, writers, and producers to make TV shows. Advertisers pay the networks to air ads so that people will see those advertisements between shows and buy products. We watch shows for entertainment and subsequently watch ads. Nielsen measures which shows we watch the most and when we watch the most to determine how much a network can charge for ads.
Now, networks put ads online to draw more viewers. Advertisers pay for online ads just like on TV. Writers went on strike to demand a higher pay one time.
If we stop watching TV shows on TV or online then we also stop watching the ads that the advertisers want us to watch. The networks don't boast high ratings for the shows we like. The advertisers stop paying as much for the ads. The studios stop making our show.
So, if you like a show you should do the decency to watch it on TV or watch it on a network or studio website (legally) and avoid a possible cancelation. Decent TV shows need our support. Just look at what happened to Arrested Development.