Lat night, amidst the serious, sad, humorous, powerful accounts I realized something. As I watched this collective of women come together like so many other collectives of women come together around the world to deliver this play, I witnessed pure, honest, and surreal feminine power. Then it hit me, this rarely happens in the real world. Rarely do I see women on the subway collectively joining in praise of themselves and their womanhood. Rarely do I watch women in a club stand-up for the women being discriminated, objectified, or assaulted. Rarely do I see or hear women in the real world telling the world's oppression to "back off."
So, while I watched the magic of the Vagina Monologues take over me, the realization that this power was something only to be left within the play walls crippled me. I saw how positively empowering this performance, no this collection of honest womanhood, could be for all women and personhood. I imagined women standing up for each other, celebrating themselves and their power, taking their rightful place in this world from the multitude of oppressive states.
Every day I hope to wake to this reality, and when it doesn't come I cry a little inside.