Dawn on the horizon, a planes wings outstretched across the open sky, and I observe this all through the window in my reclined seat. Below are white clouds that look like the floor of the tundra, pot marked by the blue of the Atlantic Ocean. All around me people sleep, oblivious to the gravity of our surroundings. Some stare blankly, silently, at the screens overhead. They flicker silent images of Will Ferrel and John Heder in “Blades of Glory”. I ignore the screen with a recently read accounting book and a laptop fresh from filling Excel charts. Based on the time on my clock I would say the trip is just over 50% complete. The fact that already boredom is starting to hit me is a sad realization. I now type to avoid those thoughts. If I could remember the other parts of my accounting assignment I would be fine.

The Irish Countryside on decent.
Here you can see the wing of the plane.
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