So I haven't posted anything in awhile and that is all due to one major force - O-Crew. "What is O-Crew?" you say. This is a group of energetic, enthusiastic, welcoming students here at StFX whose job it is to run the Orientation week that is going on currently. There are two chairs, about 15 executive (I am one) and about 160 committee members. These 160 are split into 8 committee responsible for different tasks throughout the week. Myself and my partner in crime, Scott, run what is called "Hype!". We are responsible for spirit and making sure everything stays running smoothly. This is the largest and hardest working group of people on O-Crew.
So far I've done almost a week of training that included a few days with just the executive and then some very busy days with everyone getting ready for all the first years arriving. Last Sunday all the first years arrived. I woke at 5:20am to arrive for 6:15am and start pumping up everyone at 7:00am. By 8am everyone was outside. I greeted the people at the entrance to the school with about 50 others. We cheered, danced, sang and held posters. It was 9 hours of cheering and a lot of sun. I painted my hair and arms red. Everyone had a great time.
After the cheering there was a cheeroff, a BBQ, a guest speaker, and a dance. The energy from all the first years at the BBQ was amazing. The guest speaker was the most moving speech I've ever heard. She spoke about leadership and how we all can make a difference. The dance outside was pretty crazy and I had to rescue a few drunk first year girls from some sketchy older guys. It made me depressed to think of how selfish some of these people can be. It also made me nervous to think about how young, naive, and innocent a lot of the first years are.
The next morning was early as well as I was up at 6:20am for a pancake breakfast followed by the amazing race. The race had groups of students running all over campus and it was a blast. The Orientation Committee members that weren't running with the different groups waited at the finish line cheering houses, dancing, and having a good time. After that there was Playfair. Seriously, this is the most amazing thing of the week. You meet at least 500 people in 2 hours and have a wicked time doing it. During playfair the executive all joked that the first year girls I met were flirting with me and they filmed me the whole time and did commentary like a nature show. My friend Jill met me that night and after Playfair I went to meet her and hang out.
The next day I got sleep in a bit and everyone met at noon. That day we had buddy olympics where eveyone got into their buddy groups and competed in games like which group can stick the most cheezies to someone's head by only throwing the cheezies in a circle. After we had a jello slide where everyone dove down a tarp filled with soapy water and jello. I went down a number of times with the executive and also took a girl down the slide with me. After the slide I began to prepare for MCing the talent show that evening. I prepared an entrance that went off amazing. The show was hosted in the main arena where the hockey team plays. There was a big stage with lighting, amps, and two big screens with cameras to film the whole thing. The Orientation Committee did a dance that my committee made up at the beginning of the show and then I was announced to start the festivities. Four ladies in two rows dressed in evening gowns with heels, jewlery, and makeup lead the parade with me and a lady on each arm up the rows to the sounds of James Brown. I walked on stage and had the two ladies on my arms remove my sunglasses and scarf. I wore a decked out jacket and purple shirt. As I announced all the acts I was blown away by all the talent. It was truly amazing to witness.
Yesterday there was only a foam party so I got to sleep in and take care of some registration. There were two circus tents set up outside with a stage and a DJ to spin all night. I wore a bathing suit and extra small first year shirt. The foam machine wasn't working but all the first years still danced to the great music. I bought some glow sticks and spun around to the tunes and got people energized. Eventually the foam machine got working and people kept dancing like mad. There was a lot grinding and sexual activity as the night went on. It was only first years in a safe environment so the executive and I tried to ignore it and have a good time. The Campus Police had to break up some lewd activity underneath what was now a foam waterfall. After I went to the bar and met some people from Africa.
Today was the first day of classes, which I have none. I took the time to sleep and finally finish this blog. Soon I am going to prepare to arrange all the first year students in a giant X and watch a presentation from Sue Johansen (Sex with Sue).
Here are two pictures from a beach party during training week: