2 weeks ago when I was immersed in Orientation Week I forgot to mention this little auction that was going on amongst the committee to raise money for Shinerama. The way the auction went was that if the committee collectively raised money on their own they could get certain male executives waxed. Starting at $200, the first male Exec would get something simple, like his legs. Then, as the amount raised increased, more male Execs would be waxed. Eventually the committee raised $1,000 resulting in two backs, a chest, 5 legs (one guy only got one), and 2 full bodies. I was one of the full bodies.
For one hour I had two women applying sugar wax too my legs, chest and arms. The tore, they ripped. Hair was pulled, fists were clenched, I kicked and screamed more than I ever have in my life. Finally, almost all the hair in my body was removed. I just have a few touch ups. I have to get the upper most part of my thigh done. But I am basically a smooth, smooth man. It feels weird, a little awkward, but I love touching my skin.
9 hours ago
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