Incredible. Absolutely incredible. This past saturday was beautiful, amazing, and just a great time. had nothing to do with Homecoming here at StFX. No, I left the small town of Antigonish and headed into the big city (Halifax) on Saturday morning. I got a ride up with some of my fellow executive on the Orientation committee (yes we still hang out even though the first week is done) and did some much needed shopping.
We all went to the mall and they bought some clothes, while I just perused. Then we went to
Build-a-Bear and had an amazing time buying a wedding present for Sara's sister and new husband. We bought a bride and groom bear with cute little outfits. We got to stuff the bears, put hearts in the bears, clean the bears, dress them, and even make birth certificates! After being uplifted emotionally by all this we headed to lush where I got to buy products to pamper myself physically. I got scrubs and soaps to invigorate the body and mind.
I then went to get my hair done at a nice salon, walked around town for awhile, and chilled out in a upstairs cafe. Finally my roommate Wil arrived in Halifax and we met up to party with some people before the concert. It was nice but all I could really think about was seeing
Kevin Drew and a few members of Broken Social Scene in a few short hours.
Eventually we made it to the small bar on the outskirts of downtown. The Marquee was beautiful and intimate. There was great lighting, pleasant bar staff, and even pizza! There were no openers so Wil and I got a decent place by the stage right beside the people who were giving us a ride home.
Kevin Drew finally came on stage with the rest of the band and started to play. The energy in the room was overpowering and Wil and I just looked at each other in anticipation for all the music and dancing to come. And oh did we dance. They played most of the stuff off "Spirit If..." they played a few of BSS's hits (including Major Label Debut and Time=Cause). They played new stuff from unreleased albums and a few covers including closing the show with U2's "Where the Streets Have No Name".
The show was so amazing. I danced with people in the crowd. Everyone had looks of youthful excitement and innocence on their faces. The band were just going nuts and looked as though they would never stop playing music. It was hours of fun and I never wanted it to stop. Finally Wil and I had a great car ride home with our new friends Katie and Jeff. We all reveled in what we had just witnessed.