I saw the most amazing geographical beauty of my life on Saturday. At 5am I met my friend Dan for the beginning of a grueling yet rewarding photography road-trip. We set out in his friend's borrowed car with camera gear, homemade lunches, rain jackets (the weather was predicted to be poor) and energy drinks. At about 6am Dan entered Cape Breton for the first time of his life. By 7am we had reached the town of Baddeck. This was where the trail began and where we would take our first shots. We set up on a boat dock to see the sun rise over the ocean. While the fog may have prevented some of the glory of the sun, we still were able to capture some excellent images:

As we were packing up the rain started to come down so we decided to begin our north-eastern assent. As the trip went on Dan and I were rendered speechless by the natural beauty that not only surrounded us but showed no signs of stopping. The first stop we made was about 1/2 hour into the trip. There was a clearing from all the color-changing leaves that showed the ocean.

Soon after shooting the ran began to come down heavily so once again we packed up and traveled until we out ran the looming clouds. At one point Dan and I just lied in the middle of the road taking pictures of the mist coming over the small mountains in the distance.

At a river that ran into the ocean mist traveled into the valley and over the river like an avalanche of clouds.

After this next stop we climbed the side of a mountain into the fog until we could not see much of the road ahead. While the car twisted up and around the mountain Dan and I just became more excited about the entire experience. We took our last shots right before Highland National Park.
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