I never thought I would start my holiday break with a 23 hour stay in
Halifax International Airport. Yet there I was, looking at the
Air Canada website trying to book my second flight. Sunday December 16 was predicted as "White Sunday" by many weather networks for awhile. I had remained optimistic up to that point, and things weren't changing. After my first canceled flight I figured I could just book for later in the evening. After another cancellation and a re-booking for Air Canada's 8:50am flight to Ottawa my spirits were starting to dr

oop. After I spoke with a few friend's on the same flight as me, some heading to London, England, and other too Newfoundland and realized no one was leaving the airport in the next while I knew something epically dismal was happening. Well I unpacked my external hard-drive, set up my laptop, and began to work on editing one of my most recent film projects.At midnight I was struck with how the airport was now starting to look like a makeshift hostel. From exces

sively long
Tim Horton's lines to people sleeping on any free surface, I was witnessing something I'd never before seen.
Luckily I made it on to my plane at 8:50am and everything seemed to be going well. I was tired from not sleeping and feeding myself on
Tim's and
Starbucks (both things I am not proud of), so I instantly feel asleep. When I awoke to seeing airport ground I assumed I had slept the entire way. I felt elevated with joy until I noticed the gloomy faces surrounding me. Eventually I heard the end of an announcement that was apologizing for something. That was all I needed to hear to know that I was still in Halifax. Later I found out that the runway was frozen. After another hour long wait I was back on the plane and ready to leave. Finally I landed in Ottawa around 3pm.