
A Close (yet painful) Shave

So for the first time I tried shaving with a double-edge razor. The double-edge (or safety) razor looks like something you would see used in the 1930s, and it is. 
You may ask why I have decided to move backwards in time for my grooming regime and not forwards. Well, I was as forward as you could get and it wasn't working. I've been shaving with some named-like-an-airplane battery powered 5-blade, precision-blade waste-of-money razor for far to long. It wasn't the "best a man can get".
I had heard a lot of people talking about both the quality and economy of using a double-edge razor. I have seen those stand-alone razor blades sitting in the drug store cabinet and always wondered why they cost so much less but contained so much potential. My wondering would not be abided, as I could never find a razor to hold the blades themselves. 
That's when I turned to the Internet. Ah, the great provider. The all-knowing Internet. Mysterious in origin yet satisfying in existence. I searched for double-edge razors in Canada and found Fendrihan.com. This great re-seller of many a shave product showed me the way. I checked out their line-up, read a few articles about the benefits of double-edge shaving, and away I purchased.
It only took two days for my razor and sample pack of 20 blades to arrive! I was so excited that I went to shave right away. My first experience resulted in what you truly would expect of a double-edge shave virgin - slow, uncoordinated movements, with some blood afterwards. Like a scared child I went to my dad for advice. He told me to hold the blade perpendicular to my face and shave with, not against the hairs. I have learned for next time.

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