
In a year...

One year ago I was leaving my home of 4 years to return to Ontario. After completing an undergrad in Business and Philosophy at StFX I was ready to take on the world. I had decided to stray from my foundation in Accounting to pursue my passion, Radio.
So today, 1 year from my graduation, it seems natural to do an evaluation of where I am. At this point it is hard to not focus on some of my successes, despite not being a national radio star on CBC. However, I have made progress into a lot of unexpected avenues, and I have to be happy about that.
Since graduating I have landed a challenging and rewarding job teaching people at a popular computer/technology retailer. I am in the middle of both a grant application with the Canada Council for the Arts and a Masters application with Ryerson University, in hopes of making my work on Well Versed a full-time career. I also write for Talent Egg and have been featured multiple times on Brazen Careerist. Now I am working hard on promoting a really interesting book, The Hidden Game.
So, you can see how it would be hard to complain. I stopped trying to force things awhile ago and just decided to do my best with what was presented to me. So far it seems to be working.