I am not a Facebook user. I have no desire to be a Facebook. I may be a little ignorant on the issue of using Facebook, however, this allows me to be enlightened and savvy towards the problems that Facebook poses to users, social interaction, and society as a whole. We, as technologically inclined users, are at a crossroads where we can choose to use the tools radily available to most of us for progression or regression.
Information sharing, organizing, and networking are all excellent ways that technology is being used to accelerate positive social change. However, sometimes tools that were developed for one reason slowly start to be used for another and eventually become manipulated into something quite different from their original form.
Facebook is an excellent example of this. Not only has it been manipulated as a tool for photo sharing and social organization, it now is becoming a gross tool for a form of mass communication and interaction that is upsetting to me.
***At this point I would like to say that I am focusing on what the majority of people are using Facebook for and am not trying to say that my comments pertain to all users. I do understand that there are many people out there who maintain their dignity while still using Facebook. You more than I can help keep this tool as something useful and constructive. ***
As a result of this manipulation people are taking less, taking fewer chances, and becoming less connected. All of these are social regressions in my mind and paint a very dismal picture for our future. What has become even more upsetting is the latest development of add-ons for Facebook. These "nifty" tools are the main reason Facebook can be altered into whatever the majority of users want Facebook to be. Recently I heard about a new app called "Are you interested?" and was then inspired to write this blog. The way this app works is allowing people to basically flirt and seek "romantic" partners. This is a problem...
The obvious reservations that come from online hook-ups is obvious. The problem I have is that Facebook was intended for something greater. Facebook, as one of the most popular web-sites, had much more potential. I don't enjoy to see potential wasted.
5 hours ago
Very intereesting blog! I must say, I somewhat agree with you. The tool itself, when started in teh Ivy Leagues of the United States and even in the earlier days when it was limited to students was a great social tool. It has since evolved into something sooooo different. The add-ons (although some with good use), can be a little alarming at times. I know someone who had 78 add ons.
You always manage to take a topic and write so excellent-ly about it. I must say, your way with words is very admirable. Keep up the blogging!
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