
Where have I been?

I literally ask that question from a geographical standpoint. The past while hasn't seen me move in too many places until last night. I was feeling extremely stressed from a packed weekend that I wanted to be relaxing and a week that wouldn't slow down. Tuesday I finished my 3rd and final LEAD workshop and hosted the first CFXU Poetry Open Mic. Now setting up for this event, finishing a 'zine for the FunDrive, selling T-Shirts, making a giant well out of CDs, and doing homework becomes a bit much. So by Tuesday night, after the 'zine was done, and the well was on its way, and the poetry night and LEAD session were complete I was ready to relax.
I originally thought this would be completed by baking Chai Tea Marathon Muffins. I was wrong. As soon as I finished putting the first batch in the oven my roommate stormed in with two other friends - 1 new to me, 1 an old friend. I met the new one with instant connection and we talked for a bit about various things. Than all of us were whisked away into the car and off to the ocean.
The ocean had a frozen beach, snow, and large ice-islands all over. The moon reflected off of everything making the scenery beautiful. We ran along the snow covered sand for awhile and then scaled and icy cliff. Later we drove to an abandoned park and had a snowball fight. I listened to the calming sounds of the river and thought about how this was exactly what I needed.


Well Versed Episode 11

My poetry show Well Versed for the week of January 7. Listen every Sunday at 9pm AST:
  • 92.5 FM for those in Antigonish, NS
  • CFXU Radio for those not in Antigonish, NS
MY first episode of 2008! This one was about change and included these poems:
  • Resurrection - John Akpata
  • Keep It On My Fridge - Tanya
  • Homebody/Homegirl - T.L. Cowan
  • Little Brother - Dwayne Morgan
  • To Be Or Not To Be - John Akpata
  • Famous Five - Sheri-D Wilson
  • Old School Medley: Why, Why Is This?, Back In Slavery, Men In Black - Dwayne Morgan
  • Cultivating Peace with Le Chamanestrel [Special Thanks to Mobb Deep] - Free Will
  • Forget The World - DJ Morales
  • The Making Of A Man - Dwayne Morgan
  • Apocalyptic After-Party - Bona
  • In The Time Before - Barbara Adler

Wintersleep and more

So a lot has happened since Thursday. First, I not only got to go to a Wintersleep concert for free, but I also got to photograph them at the radio station and backstage. The concert was great even when a friend with a boyfriend was hitting on me. It was also great that I was supposed to be studying for an accounting exam but I chose to listen to great music instead.
Well I got up early and studied the next day before writing the test a bit later. I got to the gym and worked on a leadership workshop I was presenting starting on Saturday. I met my partner for the presentation and we prepared. That Friday night I stayed up 'till 6am working on the presentation and talking online to a very wonderful lady.
I was only able to sneak in 2 hours of sleep before it was time to get some photocopying done and set up the room for my first of 3 leadership workshops on public speaking and confidence building.
The first session went great and got wonderful reviews. I felt so good I went for a run in the -14 degree weather. All day I tried to do homework despite being overly tired from the lack of sleep. I was somewhat successful and will be better rested for my last day of the weekend. Listen to episode 12 of Well Versed tomorrow at 9pm Atlantic/8pm Eastern.


To love chaos

As the end of January approaches that feeling of established routine tends to settle. While I may be chaotically busy, my various responsibilities can be managed through an adherence to a fairly regimented schedule. I relish being engrossed in the many social and academic elements that make up University. As I start to think about how I am managing my classes, my job at the radio, debating, and everything else I can't help but contemplate how all of these elements have made my life happy over the past 5 years. I have built a surrounding of desired activities that I will have to let go in only a few months. Beyond activities are the people and the lifestyle. These to will go in some part if not in their entirety. A massive change is coming that, while expected, is completely unknown. I did not fear university and now I speak of my love for what has come of that fearlessness. I hope I am just as courageous now as I was then.


Back from debate

So I just got home after a 2 hour car ride, an 18 hour train ride, and three intense days of debating at the McGill Winter Carnival Debate Invitational. It was a crazy tournament with over 70 teams of 2 from schools all over Canada and the USA. Debating is a competitive process that takes a toll on you both mentally and physically. Beyond merely having to debate topics that range from Chinese laws on Tibetan Buddhism to the democratic injustices of rehabilitating prisoners the weekend is filled with various socials, meeting lots of people, and eating decent food. While you are constantly on the go you can still have a really good time.
I think all 6 debaters and 1 judge on the StFX team really gave it their all this weekend. Some of us had decent results, all of us improved, and we came back with some really great thoughts on debating.
Oh! It was also a hilariously entertaining time being with the team. We really let all the stress of the tournament go on the train ride back, and the jokes that started 4 days earlier just kept pouring out. I managed to sleep for 11 hours on the train and get the rest I really needed.


From the train - part 2

It is 10:30pm, I’ve been on this west-ward train for 8 hours and boredom is setting in. A few people are playing poker, some are reading, I just finished an offhand conversation on relationships that resulted in more personal insight than expected. I still do not have an adequate number of cases prepared for the upcoming tournament.
I’m running through Quebec as people sleep silently around me. The night’s rest allows the quiet and natural beauty of this province to awaken to my eyes. Little things like chilled rivers rushing over rocks. A small “salon de billiards”. A well lit mill that I can see from the train windows all delight me to a point of profound contemplation. I think about how I want to disappear amongst this landscape. How I would like to pack my bags and camera and go on an adventure of writing and photography that would push myself spiritually and creatively.


From the train - part 1

Here on my first Via Rail ride in Nova Scotia I write. I’m just over 2 hours into the trip and I’m listening to the passionate tunes of Kate Maki. Her romantic lyrics and soothing voice calm me as I prepare for the other 16 hours of this trip. I’ll probably take a lot of time to reflect and admire upon my life – in between preparing for the upcoming debate tournament – with this beautiful Canadian landscape as my companion.
Right now I’m thinking of how I got to this place. How I became an integral part of the debate team. How I developed a strong base of friends that I know I will always see at school. Just yesterday at the student bar I progressively found myself in a myriad of conversations with some great people. I am persistently falling in love with this sense of community that surrounds me.


What will you be when your grow up?

Proceeded by a call from my mother where we once again discussed what I will do when I graduate in a few months I have decided to write this post about just that. There is a poll on the left to check out as well.
I personally want to be a radio broadcaster. Yes: I am studying accounting and philosophy. No: I did not overdose on my new favorite snack - wasabi covered green peas. I am passionate about connecting with people, the import of communication, and the whole music/spoken word community in Canada. Aptly so I have chosen the highly coveted role of Radio Announcer as my future career. (OK, I don't know how coveted that position is besides myself and a few people I work with at 92.5 The Fox). I do a few shows (1 of which you can listen to on my Podcast.
So....tell me what you want to be. Reply below or check out that poll I mentioned.

What I could talk about

Tonight was my first night out in Antigonish for the year of 2008. It was a big night on campus as everyone was celebrating 2 Years Eve - a repeat of New Years. There were great bands, tons of people, and a whole lot of reuniting. This was amazing.
It was exactly what I needed. I got to connect with people I haven't seen in awhile. Dance with some beautiful women. Hug a lot of friends. And witness the drama that comes with alcohol and youth.
Overall the night was incredible, but there was one unfavorable moment. I had the unpleasantness of dealing with an acquaintance tell me that I am pretentious and self-centered. Now maybe other people may agree with her (I hope few to none) and I know that my own argument to the contrary caries only biased validity, but it was her audacity to say something like that to me.
I soon forgot this comment and went on to enjoy the night with people who made me feel happy and good. Overall it was a great night and I was glad to see so many familiar faces around me once again.


Am I still online??

YES I AM!!! I am sure many of you have been wondering what I've been up to in the past while. Well clearly it has been enough to distract me from this blog. Even though the break away from school was great I am sad that I did not post about it almost the entire time. Well I am back at school now, and hopefully can give you a brief update of my version of the holidays.
My family celebrates Christmas in a vary traditional, cookie-cutter kind-of-way. Grandpa flew in from Kansas. My mom's sister, her husband, and my three cousins flew in from Pennsylvania all in time for a Christmas eve filled with cooking, present wrapping, mass, and a special Christmas Presentation. Christmas morning was filled with pictures of the children on the stairs before opening all the presents.
Unconventionally we later trespassed onto a closed ski-hill and subsequently were kicked off. We went cross-country skiing through the woods, snowboarding the next day, and even had a full-on family jam with me on drums, dad and uncle on guitar, cousin on bass, sister on violin, other cousin on French horn, and everyone singing.
My mom's brother, his wife, and 4 kids from Alabama came just in time for the family jam.
Some additional memories include:
  • Seeing We Will Rock You the musical
  • Watching White Christmas by the fire
  • A visit from my cousins Joanne, Simon, Lauren, and Rory from Boston
  • Feeling accepted by my entire family