I literally ask that question from a geographical standpoint. The past while hasn't seen me move in too many places until last night. I was feeling extremely stressed from a packed weekend that I wanted to be relaxing and a week that wouldn't slow down. Tuesday I finished my 3rd and final LEAD workshop and hosted the first CFXU Poetry Open Mic. Now setting up for this event, finishing a 'zine for the FunDrive, selling T-Shirts, making a giant well out of CDs, and doing homework becomes a bit much. So by Tuesday night, after the 'zine was done, and the well was on its way, and the poetry night and LEAD session were complete I was ready to relax.
I originally thought this would be completed by baking Chai Tea Marathon Muffins. I was wrong. As soon as I finished putting the first batch in the oven my roommate stormed in with two other friends - 1 new to me, 1 an old friend. I met the new one with instant connection and we talked for a bit about various things. Than all of us were whisked away into the car and off to the ocean.
The ocean had a frozen beach, snow, and large ice-islands all over. The moon reflected off of everything making the scenery beautiful. We ran along the snow covered sand for awhile and then scaled and icy cliff. Later we drove to an abandoned park and had a snowball fight. I listened to the calming sounds of the river and thought about how this was exactly what I needed.
9 hours ago