
Am I still online??

YES I AM!!! I am sure many of you have been wondering what I've been up to in the past while. Well clearly it has been enough to distract me from this blog. Even though the break away from school was great I am sad that I did not post about it almost the entire time. Well I am back at school now, and hopefully can give you a brief update of my version of the holidays.
My family celebrates Christmas in a vary traditional, cookie-cutter kind-of-way. Grandpa flew in from Kansas. My mom's sister, her husband, and my three cousins flew in from Pennsylvania all in time for a Christmas eve filled with cooking, present wrapping, mass, and a special Christmas Presentation. Christmas morning was filled with pictures of the children on the stairs before opening all the presents.
Unconventionally we later trespassed onto a closed ski-hill and subsequently were kicked off. We went cross-country skiing through the woods, snowboarding the next day, and even had a full-on family jam with me on drums, dad and uncle on guitar, cousin on bass, sister on violin, other cousin on French horn, and everyone singing.
My mom's brother, his wife, and 4 kids from Alabama came just in time for the family jam.
Some additional memories include:
  • Seeing We Will Rock You the musical
  • Watching White Christmas by the fire
  • A visit from my cousins Joanne, Simon, Lauren, and Rory from Boston
  • Feeling accepted by my entire family

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