
Back from debate

So I just got home after a 2 hour car ride, an 18 hour train ride, and three intense days of debating at the McGill Winter Carnival Debate Invitational. It was a crazy tournament with over 70 teams of 2 from schools all over Canada and the USA. Debating is a competitive process that takes a toll on you both mentally and physically. Beyond merely having to debate topics that range from Chinese laws on Tibetan Buddhism to the democratic injustices of rehabilitating prisoners the weekend is filled with various socials, meeting lots of people, and eating decent food. While you are constantly on the go you can still have a really good time.
I think all 6 debaters and 1 judge on the StFX team really gave it their all this weekend. Some of us had decent results, all of us improved, and we came back with some really great thoughts on debating.
Oh! It was also a hilariously entertaining time being with the team. We really let all the stress of the tournament go on the train ride back, and the jokes that started 4 days earlier just kept pouring out. I managed to sleep for 11 hours on the train and get the rest I really needed.

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