
On the Road Again

Halfway to Orange Beach, AL and the trip is off to a great start. All six passengers have been fed throughout the trip on a healthy supply of wasabi soy nuts, Nibs, peanut M&Ms, rice cakes, and even Tim Tams (supplied by Michelle)!

Besides a few quick stops (including a Burger King), we’ve spent the entire 11 hours on the road. We started in Ontario, picking up Kathleen’s boyfriend, Lee, along the way, made it into Detroit, MI via the bridge. There we stopped for some goods, including a brand new cologne for myself. Then it was through Ohio and into Kentucky.

Tomorrow it’s a 7:30 am start to ensure a quick visit to the Louisville Slugger Museum. After that it will be another 10 hour drive (or more) to the condo.


The People We Meet

Today you met someone. Today I met someone. Did I meet you? Maybe you met me? Maybe we’ll meet tomorrow, or maybe we won’t.

The reality that isn’t before us, behind us, or between us is also the reality we can choose to deal with constantly. We can choose to accept our happenstance of constant encounters with one another as simply that, or as something more.

Whether in fact these encounters are something more is totally dependent on our actions in the moment. Did you smile at me today? Maybe I smiled back. Maybe you didn’t smile, but I can tell you I definitely did.


The Passenger List

It’s 11:47pm on Sunday night. I’m sitting on the train that takes me from Downtown Toronto to Whitby and I’m thinking, “How did I end up here?” Now, I’m not thinking this in any literal sense but rather, I’m contemplating the long list of passengers I’ve encountered on the night’s journey.

I’ll start with the fellow I met on the platform. There is me, back against the wall reading The Walrus and he decides to “light up” beside me....in a public space....under an semi-enclosed train platform. I move down a few meters and watch the train arrive in-front of me. Passenger #2 is standing beside me eating McDonald’s in such a loud and obnoxious way that his fries are actually hitting me! First on the shoulder, then on the foot. At this point I was so exhausted and disillusioned I couldn’t even muster the words to exclaim my astonishment when he hurled the empty container underneath the now parked train.

Once on the train matters got worse. Most of the seats were occupied with the attendants of the night’s Nickelback concert which proved to be the most uncolored, disrespectful people to ride a train with. Let me explain.

First I go to sit in a seat only occupied by a woman’s feet. Rather than moving for the additional passengers, her and her husband lay asleep taking extra space. I finally found a spot and soon realized I was adjacent to a women so intoxicated she was first lying on-top of her friends, and then spread across the train floor. Matters got worse as she proceeded to take a picture of her breasts, suggests posting them on Facebook, finally ending the coup-de-finesse by chastising her 8-year-old son for looking up just the same content on YouTube. Then I finally get to end my night by listening to the syncronized cell-phones of two fans blarring obnoxious music over the train.


The Fair

Last night I indulged in the calamity that is spring fairs. Local hotspots for the misguided and pent-up urges of teenagers, these fairs create an ecocentre unto themselves that is simply enjoyable to observe. Like a sociologist on a profound study of sexuality, frenzy, and inhibition, I dove into the Brooklin Spring Fair like so many before me.
At $5 to enter, I started the night asking, "What exactly am I paying for?" Was it the pointlessness of tractor pulls, the additional cost of rides, the fried food or the massive line to the beer tent that made me question my recent entrance fee? Despite all that I focused on trying to have a good time.
I got the ball rolling with 3 dozen mini-doughnuts. Despite the temporary distraction they would provide, from my petulant neighbors in line and the mass of second hand smoke, those balls of fried dough and sugar became a mass of indigestion quite quickly.
I spent the rest of the night amusing myself with the drunk antics of those around me. From numerous beer-cup towers, to an over-abundance of bleach blonde hair, the escape was delightful.
I left the fair with a frisbee in hand, some doughnuts for breakfast, and a general feeling of over-exhaustion. All-in-all the entire thing seemed a lot like re-living a moment of nostalgia. You have the stomach-aches from the ride, the indignation from observing your immature ways through wiser eyes, and a souvenir to remember it all.


In a year...

One year ago I was leaving my home of 4 years to return to Ontario. After completing an undergrad in Business and Philosophy at StFX I was ready to take on the world. I had decided to stray from my foundation in Accounting to pursue my passion, Radio.
So today, 1 year from my graduation, it seems natural to do an evaluation of where I am. At this point it is hard to not focus on some of my successes, despite not being a national radio star on CBC. However, I have made progress into a lot of unexpected avenues, and I have to be happy about that.
Since graduating I have landed a challenging and rewarding job teaching people at a popular computer/technology retailer. I am in the middle of both a grant application with the Canada Council for the Arts and a Masters application with Ryerson University, in hopes of making my work on Well Versed a full-time career. I also write for Talent Egg and have been featured multiple times on Brazen Careerist. Now I am working hard on promoting a really interesting book, The Hidden Game.
So, you can see how it would be hard to complain. I stopped trying to force things awhile ago and just decided to do my best with what was presented to me. So far it seems to be working.


Vagina Monologues

Last night I went to see the Vagina Monologues. This play originally conceived by Eve Ensler re-creates monologues delivered by women of all-ages and backgrounds talking about their vaginas. The play is magically powerful in its honest delivery of not only the diverse meaning of vaginas but also femininity in general. 
Lat night, amidst the serious, sad, humorous, powerful accounts I realized something. As I watched this collective of women come together like so many other collectives of women come together around the world to deliver this play, I witnessed pure, honest, and surreal feminine power. Then it hit me, this rarely happens in the real world. Rarely do I see women on the subway collectively joining in praise of themselves and their womanhood. Rarely do I watch women in a club stand-up for the women being discriminated, objectified, or assaulted. Rarely do I see or hear women in the real world telling the world's oppression to "back off." 
So, while I watched the magic of the Vagina Monologues take over me, the realization that this power was something only to be left within the play walls crippled me. I saw how positively empowering this performance, no this collection of honest womanhood, could be for all women and personhood. I imagined women standing up for each other, celebrating themselves and their power, taking their rightful place in this world from the multitude of oppressive states. 
Every day I hope to wake to this reality, and when it doesn't come I cry a little inside.


Bad Boys

If you've ever heard of the movie Bad Boys you probably think of Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. That movie was released in 1995, and what you may not know is there is another Bad Boys released in 1983.
The Bad Boys film I am talking about stars a young Sean Penn as Mick O'Brien, a 17 year old youth deviant caught in a world of crime. The movie follows Mick from the path of petty crimes to some serious "mistakes" that land him in a juvenile detention centre.
Director Rick Rosenthal tells a compelling and sophisticated story of misguided youth. From the hierarchy of inmates, to the psychotic motivations of revenge, each character shows a unique combination of youth vigor and innocence with adult fury.
As the story progresses the viewer becomes more intertwined in the politics of inmates and the rehabilitative attempts of the councilors trying to help O'Brien and his fellow convicts.
The adult themes, the exuberance of emotion and life, and the raw violence and rage in this film tell a truly passionate story that leaves viewers shocked and touched.


New Help Finding a Career

So for the past while I've been writing for Talent Egg's blog, The Career Incubator. Even with my bias I still think you will find that Talent Egg is a great organization. It is designed to be more of a career hub than just a job-listing service.
Besides my simple writing on the site, the entire organization is run by a great group of people. Founder Lauren Friese has got quite the head on her shoulders. You can see this by some of the great articles she writes. In addition, the whole team is adding some amazing insight and advice into the crazy world of finding your ideal career.
In addition, I think every job listed on the site is fantastic and work a look.

I've become quite connected in the career-finding world through Talent Egg. Every day I'm learning new things and meeting new people. One great opportunity I had was to participate in TD Moneylounge's "The Hunt" video series. Each week there is a new episode. I've appeared in each of the two episodes so far. Episode Three, "Options in a Slumping Economy", airs April 8th.


Don't Watch TV Online

If you live in Canada it is impossible to legally watch many TV shows online. The only major station that offers a decent broadband network is CTV.
If you watch TV shows online, but don't watch them on a network website or a site like Hulu, you are contributing to the demise of television. OK, so I may be exaggerating, but I do have a point to make.
TV shows air to sell ads. Ads pay for the networks. Networks pay the studios for the shows. Studios pay actors, writers, and producers to make TV shows. Advertisers pay the networks to air ads so that people will see those advertisements between shows and buy products. We watch shows for entertainment and subsequently watch ads. Nielsen measures which shows we watch the most and when we watch the most to determine how much a network can charge for ads.
Now, networks put ads online to draw more viewers. Advertisers pay for online ads just like on TV. Writers went on strike to demand a higher pay one time.
If we stop watching TV shows on TV or online then we also stop watching the ads that the advertisers want us to watch. The networks don't boast high ratings for the shows we like. The advertisers stop paying as much for the ads. The studios stop making our show.
So, if you like a show you should do the decency to watch it on TV or watch it on a network or studio website (legally) and avoid a possible cancelation. Decent TV shows need our support. Just look at what happened to Arrested Development.



It seems most people are in a frenzy about ABC's LOST, at least most people around me. As the frenzy continues and Season 5 unravels, more and more people are commenting and adding their post-episode thoughts. Tonight we saw the most recent episode and I've decided to make my thoughts public (without spoilers).
First, I will say that the entire Season 5 is moving at a slower pace than expected. I think the move to condensed seasons by the Bad Robot team was a good move. However, Season 4 saw a refreshed and re-paced approach to LOST. Now, I think the writers got ahead of themselves like a marathon runner who sprints to the front in the first third of the race. LOST has slowed down, lost pace, and moving back in the pack. The question now is, "Has LOST lost its steam?"
I don't think this is true, and I think this last episode is proof. Sure with the use of flashbacks focused on one particular character we all saw a lament to the format of seasons past. However, with consequential events and reactions to said events being intertwined in all persons concerned brings back the glory that has made the LOST series so popular. Like many of the great episodes in the past I am only left asking, "What happened!?" and, "Doesn't this change everything?"

Rock Plaza Central still Rocks

Rock Plaza Central is one of the greatest bands today. Why? They are spirited, unique, engaging, entertaining, and pack a punch of nostalgia. Okay, so the last point is a unique and personal point for myself and the key people who have loved this band for awhile. But this love from their fans is just more proof of how amazing these Toronto rockers are.

I first met RPC in January 2008 at Zaphods in Ottawa, ON. Since then I have seen them thrice more. Once opening for Dan Bejar from Destroyer, and the other opening for Jason Collett. Every single time I have seen RPC it has been a memorable, amazing, beautiful night (hence the current nostalgia). They are always changing and always playing meaningful music.

From the folk-rock ballads to the sci-fi inspired theme of "Are We Not Horses?", RPC continues to amaze. Maybe it is because lead singer Chris Eaton has an intriguing mind, which translates well to his two Science Fiction novels. Maybe it is the plethora of instruments, from violin to mandolin, that weave their way up and down in frenzied or eerily calm crescendos. Whatever it may be that makes this band magic, they warm my heart every day. Look for their upcoming album.


"Chick Flick" is not a film genre!

So I've surveyed multiple people using the term "chick flick" for certain types of movies. The utilization of varying terms to refer to and classify films is nothing new to me. More-so, I understand both the need and legitimacy of such a classification.

For example, the term "film noir" is a term developed in the 1940s for a new and emerging genre. Film noir is now an excellent topic of film study, much like the Civil War to Historians.

However, unlike film noir, "chick flick" is not a legitimate genre. This, of course, begs the question: "What makes a film genre?" A film genre is used to refer to a group of films with similar characteristics. The term used is used to refer solely to those characteristics. There is a fundamental flaw with the term"chick flick" because while it may be understood that it refers to the films contained within the romantic comedy genre, "chick flick" literally is referring to the audience of the film.

I have two issues with this logic. One, by the definition of "film genre" chick flick could only refer to a film with an all female cast. However, since the only film of this type is The Women and therefore there is no reason for a new genre. Two, if romantic comedies are referred to as "chick flicks" then it insinuates the films are to be enjoyed by women and not men. By the logic of people using "chick flick" action movies should be called, "bro shows", or movies featuring a predominately Black cast should be called "black flicks". I believe all of these references, including "chick flick" are insulting.

The choice is yours, but I have not nor will not use "chick flick" to incorrectly or insultingly refer to any movie.


Synecdoche, New York

Charlie Kauffman's directorial debut is a mesmerizing, beautiful insight into the human psyche. "I get it now, there are no extras. Everyone has their own story," utters Phillip Seymore Hoffman's character, Caden Cottard.
The film starts by focusing on Caden's sad and dramatic life, eventually finding its way in to a much larger story. The viewer is hurtled along through a platitude of characters that all contribute to the sometimes overwhelming life of Caden. From Catherine Keener's consistently critical and narcissistic Adele Lack, we see the source of Caden's self-loathing and sadness. To the dependent and approval-seeking Claire Keen, played by Michelle Williams, we see more confident side of Caden. Both the atmosphere of a world that seems to be filled with sadness and paranoia, and the people that are constantly searching for something more allow for a more introspective movie than many viewers have seen in years.
Despite some of the more cynical undertones, Synecdoche plays like a more inviting David Lynch movie. It is the thematic focus on life, death, and love that helps the viewer gravitate to the often emotionally frightening life of almost everyone in this movie. Caden, a stage director, is always exploring humanity and meddling in the lives of his fictional characters on stage, much the same as director and writer Charlie Kauffman meddles with the characters in this story. Kauffman meddles beautifully and creates a rich tapestry of feeling, emotion, and entertainment that I found impossible to ignore.
However, this film is not for everyone. The lengthy development of a massive artistic project by Caden may loose the interest of the less insightful viewer. While this project provides the catalyst for discovery on both Caden and the viewer's front, the less introspective person may just be bored by this process. This film is a great challenge for any viewer, and I found that refreshing and engaging. However, if you prefer to let your mind absently wander, this is not the film for you.


Financial Analysts Cover Their Assets

If you listened to The Current on CBC Radio today you heard Anna Maria Tremonti interview Joel Lovell, financial analyst for GQ Magazine. Now, I could go on about the merits of any financial analysis that appears in a magazine featuring scantly clad women on the cover, but I won't (besides that obvious jab).
The issue I have is more with economists all over the globe, and less with Mr. Lovell specifically. I first had an issue with economists when I met the cold-heart and shred pessimism of Milton Friedman.
"Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself."
This type of indifferent pragmatism has left the world in a situation where they are now turning on the words of economists. Instead, people and companies are turning to politicians for bailouts, stimulus packages, and bailouts. What economists previously called the problem, we call the solution.
What annoys me now is that these analysts are going on the radio and telling listeners there was no way they could predict the downward spiral we now face. Mr. Lovell compared this inability to that of a Doctor being unable to predict a future diagnosis of cancer. True. However, that same Doctor does not tell you to smoke cigarettes, lay out in the sun without sunscreen, and then tell you they had no way to predict your cellular disease.


A Night in London

Almost any time that I have free I go to London to visit Michelle. London has become, in certain ways, my sanctuary. Here, it is a different life. I have the university, Western, and I have a different set of friends. It takes me to a different world. It causes me to reflect. I find that when I go back to Whitby I am renewed with a new focus and new direction. These kind of breaks are good.
Sometimes I reflect on what it is like to have two different homes. I spend about the same time between both. There are benefits, but there are also disadvantages. Sometimes there is a Jekyll and Hyde effect. Almost everyday I long for more consistency and solidarity, especially in my living
arrangements. I didn't want to go on a long reflection about my constantly wavering emotions and their cause, but I also didn't want to deny the truth its moment.
The past few days in London have been slower and more subdued than previous trips. It has been enjoyable and relaxing. Tonight I visited a bar and took a cool picture.
Now I am watching Rachel Getting Married and thinking about how I can have all this beauty in life, if only I try. Sometimes I am terrified to try.


The War of the Cupcakes

So if you read my Valentine's Day post I went on about Michelle getting me a dozen cupcakes. I didn't go on too much about how good these cupcakes were, but they were. Those cupcakes, it seems, have spurred a new desert phenomenon. Or, at least in my mind.
Over the past week Michelle and I became a little cupcake obsessed. Now, any dessert obsession for me isn't going to turn into a frenzy where they next day I wake up covered in devil's cake and icing congealed in strange places. A dessert obsession for me is more like a constant
nagging satisfied by a small slice, piece, or taste.
Oddly enough it seems like other people in London, ON were succumbing to this cranial occupation of cupcake thoughts. As more people talked about
cupcakes Michelle and I deci
ded to visit the two other giants in London's tri-fecta of cupcake bliss.

Place 1: Hey Cupcake
This is the first place I visited. It sparked my love of cupcakes and has a special place in my heart.

  • Thick, full-flavored icing (especially the peanut butter icing).
  • A diverse range of flavors that each have their own unique taste.
  • Filling in the cake, something I've never seen that adds an delicious surprise.
  • The "cake" base is more thick than fluffy.
  • A lack of flavor that is overshadowed by the impact of the icing.
Place 2: Sweet Cakes
I stumbled upon this place in London's Covenant Market and was instantly dazzled by
the height of these well-frosted cupcakes.

  • Tall icing that has more decoration that a kids birthday party.
  • Creative flavours that model a fine chocolatier.
  • A light, fluffy cake base.
  • These cupcakes are pricier than they call for.
  • The cake has a starchy after-taste from excess flour.
  • The excessive icing and small cake base are ill-proportioned.
Place 3: Razzle Dazzle Cupcakes
I was recommended to this place with good reason.

  • With pistachio and lemon raspberry there are some of the most exotic flavors.
  • Great proportion between icing and cake.
  • A light fluffy cake with a good flavour.
  • The flavour isn't a striking as it should be and is on the bland side.
  • The icing is over-sugared, causing a granular texture that falls flat.
For more on cupcakes, check out this blog.


After the Oscars

I was extremely pleased with the 1 hour of the Oscars that I saw on Sunday night. Unfortunately I had to miss the beginning due to a prior engagement. Non only was I pleased with the winners but I was also pleased with the new format conceived by producers Laurence Mark and Bill Condon. The event was intimate, engaging, and relevant. I was happy to see all but one of my predictions come true. However, I do feel that Slumdog and The Reader are two of the best films I've seen in awhile, so for Kate Winslet to win was a real treat.


My Oscar Predictions

Okay, so I have a bitter/sweet relationship with the Oscars. In the past I have had little faith in the celebrated awards show that is ridden with inner politics. There have been disappointing years, like when Crash won Best Picture. There have been great years, like when the Cohen Brothers won their first award for directing No Country for Old Men.
It is sad to see so few films nominated this year, but it is amazing to see such great films nominated. Out of the 80% that I have seen, I have loved them all. Despite my love, I, as always, feel very strongly about who I think should win and who shouldn't. Here are my thoughts:

Best Picture
  • Who should win: Slumdog Millionaire. I thought all the hype for this film was possibly just frivolous. Then I saw the movie. I could go on forever about the both political, romantic, and charismatic themes that make this multifaceted movie a hit.
  • Who shoudn't win: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. This film, while excellent, didn't carry enough of a message. It was delightful and heartwarming, but could have said something more and didn't.
  • Who will win: Slumdog Millionaire

Male Actor in a Lead Role
  • Who should win: Mickey Rourke. He did an amazing job in The Wrestler and helped make the film the power-house it is. Dominating the screen-time the responsibility for the emotional drive of this film fell on Rourke's shoulders.
  • Who shouldn't win: None. Each of these actors did a great job.
  • Who will win: Sean Penn - Milk

Female Actor in a Lead Role
  • Who should win: Meryl Streep. Performing the challenging role of this strong female in Doubt is something only Meryl Streep could do.
  • Who shouldn't win: Anne Hathaway. She did a formidable job at playing the post-suicidal, post-drug addict dealing with a family's constant judgement in Rachel Getting Married. However, while this was an impressive performance from what we've seen before, the performance was more brooding and less contemplative than deserving an award.
  • Who will win: Meryl Streep - Doubt.

Male Actor in a Supporting Role

Female Actor in a Supporting Role
  • I can't respond but I didn't want anyone to think I forgot this category.

Animated Feature Film
  • Who should/will win: WALL-E. There isn't enough I can say about this film. An amazing feet that has heart and a truly motivating message.
I could say my thoughts for the other categories, but the cumbersome debate on their technicality would probably come across as verbose and protracted. Look for my remarks after Sunday night.


A Valentine's Day to Remember

Okay, so I will try to keep the sap to a minimum for everyone concerned. Let it be known that even though I love romance I still have my own issues with Valentine's Day too. I figure, if I am going to celebrate the holiday with loved ones I shouldn't embellish or exaggerate my feelings and sentiments in any way. My logic is, any gesture of love on Valentine's Day should be a gesture I am willing to make on any other day of the year. So, with that said, here is my amazing recount of Valentine's Day.
After a long day of work I headed to my girlfriend Michelle's house for some hors d'oeuvres and mocktails with her Mom, Dad, little sister and little sis' boyfriend. Everyone was looking great in their dressy/casual attire. I was greeted by Michelle dressed in a beautiful crimson dress adorned with little flowers around the bottom. I greeted Michelle with her own bo
uquet of flowers. However, I sprung for an non-traditional bouquet of Gerber Daisies. I also gave Michelle a bamboo mobile with hand-painted wooden hearts (I painted the hearts). I have a picture of the flowers along with the amazing cupcakes that Michelle gave me.

The cupcakes were ordered from Hey Cupcake in London, ON. The dozen included PB&J, Carrot, Red Velvet, Maple, S'mores, and Orange Chocolate. These cupcakes are sinfully delicious and amazing. Luckily, Andrew received his own, so he didn't feel to jealous. 
After the cupcakes Michelle's parents left for dinner. The rest of us chowed down on mozzarella sticks and puffed pastries. With the 8:30 dinner reservation I was very happy to have the time to digest.
By the time we left for dinner I was definitely hungry again and ready for the upcoming three-course meal. Pickles & Olives Bistro was cozy, warm, elegant and romantic. Upon entrance I instantly new it would be the perfect way to end the night. Michelle and I both started with salads to awaken our appetites. She drank wine while I had amazing vanilla tea. After, our
 delightful servant brought me my plate of heart shaped pastas, stuffed with cheese, soaking in alfredo sauce and the best sun-dried tomatoes I have ever tasted. Michelle was equally impressed with her salmon wellington stuffed with crab. 

Dessert was almost as decadent as the cupcakes I received. Michelle had a vanilla mouse crepe and I had a triple chocolate tiger cake. Each of us took our time with the dinner and with each other. We sat in the warm, tiny bistro and enjoyed the food. The night seemed to move in slow motion and it was exactly what I wanted for Valentine's Day.


A Close (yet painful) Shave

So for the first time I tried shaving with a double-edge razor. The double-edge (or safety) razor looks like something you would see used in the 1930s, and it is. 
You may ask why I have decided to move backwards in time for my grooming regime and not forwards. Well, I was as forward as you could get and it wasn't working. I've been shaving with some named-like-an-airplane battery powered 5-blade, precision-blade waste-of-money razor for far to long. It wasn't the "best a man can get".
I had heard a lot of people talking about both the quality and economy of using a double-edge razor. I have seen those stand-alone razor blades sitting in the drug store cabinet and always wondered why they cost so much less but contained so much potential. My wondering would not be abided, as I could never find a razor to hold the blades themselves. 
That's when I turned to the Internet. Ah, the great provider. The all-knowing Internet. Mysterious in origin yet satisfying in existence. I searched for double-edge razors in Canada and found Fendrihan.com. This great re-seller of many a shave product showed me the way. I checked out their line-up, read a few articles about the benefits of double-edge shaving, and away I purchased.
It only took two days for my razor and sample pack of 20 blades to arrive! I was so excited that I went to shave right away. My first experience resulted in what you truly would expect of a double-edge shave virgin - slow, uncoordinated movements, with some blood afterwards. Like a scared child I went to my dad for advice. He told me to hold the blade perpendicular to my face and shave with, not against the hairs. I have learned for next time.


It's Been Awhile but I'm Still Alive

Hello to anyone that is still out there. It's been six months, so I would surmise that many more than before are "out there". Sure, we may have changed places, dispositions, and even states (depending on if you believe in Reincarnation). I myself am still myself but have been up to quite a lot. 
First, I have started writing Everyone's Vision again. I've done this because my passion for blogging has been reignited. I feel that a personal blog evokes a certain honesty that only online journaling can provide.
Second, I am starting to write for both Talent Egg and Informed Vote. I think Talent Egg is a great resource for finding that great career. Informed Vote is great for getting your brain involved in Canadian politics.
Third, I am on the hunt for a career in radio and I need some more online presence. Already I have launched Well Versed - a Poetry Podcast. I am looking for new material. I am looking for jobs and contacts and I wanted to write about it all.
So, instead of starting an entirely new blog I just decided to relaunch an existing one. Welcome back me!