
My friends and my foot

Yesterday was the first day in a long while that I hung out with my friends from my home town. It was a full day of fun without any worry in the world. Away from home I live a much busier and stressed life than the people here. Or maybe, it is just that we leave our worries somewhere else when we are all together. Either way, yesterday really felt like a vacation.

It started with photographs in the park with my friend Simon. Then I went to the movies to see the Bourne Ultimatum with him and James. The movie was good but exactly what you expect from that series. While intense in action and excellent in the fight sequences, there wasn't a whole lot more to the movie. There were no twists or complex moments in the plot, there was little character development. However, the Bourne series isn't about that. 

I digress. After the movie I went to my friend Adrian's place with everyone. We played wall Soccer (wall ball but with a soccer ball and feet) and then got bored. When we get bored we get desrtructive. So, for the next few hours we proceeded to hit me in the chest with a broom, break a bored over me - twice - roll me around in a garbage can, and then light me on fire numerous times. We've been doing crazy stuff like this since high school and suprisingly I've never been hurt.

After the day and night of stunts everyone but Adrian and his girlfriend went to Ellen's house to watch movies and catch up. Since I hadn't seen Ellen in awhile it was nice to be with her again. Shortly afterwards I had to leave with Simon back to my place. When I got home I sat down to watch this crazy television show with my sisters. The show was on YTV and was about these highschool kids with a comic book that tells the future. 

While watching TV I drank some cranberry juice and then sat the pint glass beside my chair, on the hardwood floor, to be taken into the kitchen when I got up again. The show intrigued me so much that I wanted to keep watching and eventually forgot about the glass. Finally, when I did get up to go back to the kitchen I forgot about the glass until, as I stepped towards the doorway, the glass shattered under the weight of my foot! Suddenly realizing what I had done I sat on the edge of the couch and brought my foot to my face. Upon my first glance I suddenly clasped my foot tight to close the gapping wound that I just saw closed. I became frightened by the blood that I knew I could loose but quickly put my sisters into action. I told them firmly, "get me some paper towel," my sister stood looking at me blankly. I repeated, "I need paper towel so I don't bleed everywhere!" Still nothing. Finally, at my third request, when the gravity of the situation hit her, when she realized that 165lbs of my weight had gone through my foot into a glass, she came back with 3 paper tissues. Thankfully my mom came down later and got me something to stop the bleeding. After a lot of chaos and first aid kit I was off to the hospital. 3 hours later, and I'm on my way home with 5 stiches in the bottom of my right foot. Today I fly to Ireland for lots of walking, hiking, and sightseeing. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...none of those Irish activities sound like they will be very easy with a bunk foot.
